Founded in 2020, Region Cinema, aims to make projects with an international projection from a local point of view.
We believe that the magic of cinema is made of by the stories that we have from our place in the world and its connection with the viewer. We develop projects to the public, looking for conflicts that move with the vocation to entertain. We work with films that seek to make attractive cinematic experience, as well as with the project of high-impact, which aim to promote changes in society.
Our network of alliances international is in full swing, today we work with partners in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Mexico and the united States.

Executive Producer – Writer – Director
A graduate of the School of Cinema of Uruguay in 2011, pursuing a graduate degree in Communication Science and Technology UDELAR. Began at an early age in the world of film and tv as a script writer, a task that plays professionally since 2009, to later give way to his work as a director and executive producer. Their projects have gone by well-known festivals, labs, WIPS and won national and international funding for its realization. Today, she leads the content development of the Region's Cinema, focusing on the realization of fiction contents of feature films and series. His feature film “July, happy forever” was highlighted among the top 10 movies of the year 2022 in the journal The Country of Uruguay. Works in the "White and their universes" his second feature film co-production with Brazil, in post-production on the short film "The world has ended" and in development of the series "Paradiso Nostro".
Previous work: Writer “Roslik and faces suspiciously Russian” – Feature Film, Documentary 2017. Director and screenwriter of the short film "The Paquitas of Humor" 2018 – Web Series. A scriptwriter for the company Taxi Films 2009.
Executive Producer
Ba in Film and TV of the National University of Córdoba. He began to work in advertising and films, gaining experience while pursuing their studies. Integrated teams working in different films, both documentary and fiction, always in the area of production. As of 2016, it was specializing in production executive, carrying out different projects in Argentina and Uruguay. Currently holds the post of Executive Producer in Rio Film company with which Region Cinema maintains a strategic alliance for the creation of content.

Development – Uruguay – Brazil
- Official selection EntreFonrteras, Paraguay.
- Official selection for the FAM, a meeting of co-productions, the MERCOSUR countries of Brazil. 2022
- Official selection of Bolivia Lab. 2022
- Winner of the Background of the INCAU to project development. Selected as a project of fiction with an additional support for the realization of teaser.
- Selected for the program PUA, projects in development, ANDE.
- Selection in laboratories such as Bridges Eave and BAM Bogota.
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Distribution – Uruguay – Argentina
- Premiere in Argentina 2023
- Official selection Seattle latino film festival, USA, 2023
- Official selection at the Toronto Latin american Film Festival, Canada -2023
- Official selection at the Film Festival Latinoámericano and the Caribbean Berne, Switzerland -2023
- Official selection Film Festival of Philadelphia. 2023
- Official selection Films in Construction, Festival de Cine de Lima next to CineLatino rencontres de toulouse. 2021
- Short List awards Platinum for best Comedy Iberoamericana.
- Best Latin american film in the laboratory LABEX, Buenos AIRES. 2021
- 12 Weeks in theatres in Uruguay. 2022 – 2023
- The fiction uruguayan most viewed of the year. 2022
- Selected by the journal The Country among the top 10 movies of the year.
- Nominated for best film at the awards ACCU 2022.
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Development – Uruguay – Argentina
- Official selection, market, and lab FAM, a meeting of MERCOSUR.
- Official selection in the workshop script AtlenticDoc 2023
- Win the Prize FIC in feature film category documents.
- Prize to Promote Health, for the development of projects with high impact on the health care system.
- Official Selection, Documentary Scientific Doc. South Window South.
- Special mention.
- Selected for the program Bridges EAVE 2022.
- Declared of interest by the Ministry of Health.
- Support of patient organizations. EMUR Uruguay and EMA Argentina.
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- Award co-productions performing granted by the INAE and INCAU.
- Background Montevideo Filmed content 360.
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